Dr S C Burke
Dr R E Halstead
Dr D Khanwalkar

Telephone number: 01254 884217

Email: lscicb-el.weaverspractice@nhs.net

Have your say

How to Have your Say

Everybody at The Weavers Practice is committed to providing all our patients with a safe, friendly and efficient service.

However if you feel you need to complain we will be happy to hear of your concerns, if we don’t know about them we cannot make any necessary changes or improvements if they are needed.

You can telephone, write or email us. Details on how to do this are on the link below.

Everybody at The Weavers Practice is committed to providing all our patients with a safe, friendly and efficient service.

However if you feel you need to complain we will be happy to hear of your concerns, if we don’t know about them we cannot make any necessary changes or improvements if they are needed.

You can telephone, write or email us. Details on how to do this are on the link below.

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